How We Created Over 1 Billion Dollars Using Our Replenishing River System and Why Personalized Follow Up, Using Gamification On Landing Pages And InMarket Targeting Are The Most Important Keys.

What is Leaky Pipe Syndrome?

Imagine your marketing funnel. If you’re like most business owners you’re likely spending a lot of money for the widest funnel opening on the market and seeing a few qualified customers come out the other end of the spout.

Why? Because you have leaks. The Replenishing River System plugs the three common leaks in modern marketing funnels. It will show you how to eliminate Billboard Disease, Endless Pursuit of Low Hanging Fruit and Spooky Whiskers.


Essential knowledge for every executive interested in turning their marketing into a mechanism to bring a flood of 3 Dimensional Profit

Exactly how you can leverage our Replenishing River and the power of our Digital Assembly Line

How To Employ For Yourself The Exact Channels, Targeting, Messaging and Follow Up Strategies That Have Consistently Kept Us Winning For Our Best Clients

How to use InMarket Data and Targeting to substantially drop your cost per qualified lead.

Exact proven Campaigns (AdWords, Facebook, and YouTube Ads) that have generated massive ROIs in Multiple Markets. You will get our battle tested Ads, best-performing images, and ad copies that has proven to convert.

How using AI based personalization is the key to engagement and record conversion rates.

How gamification can 3x conversion rates of Top Performing Landing Pages.

We will also include our best performing landing page designs and copies.

Best practices to converting customer inquiries into Appointments and ultimately Closings. We will provide Sales Scripts and strategies to convert more leads into closed Deals.

We will provide a fully automated 3-Channel Follow Up System that averages a 40-50% response rate. This will help you focus on the hottest prospects reaching out to you FIRST.



I'm Ted Adams. For the past two decades I’ve been building business coaching companies and direct response marketing companies. Our companies have been responsible for BILLIONS of dollars in revenue at a time. I have led over 1200 companies to produce great results and in the process become one of Oregon's Top 100 Employers. Through this process, I have become an expert at unpacking the unique purpose inside the heart of a CEO and how to translate that DNA to scalable value that is marketable.

I now dedicate all my professional energy, passion, and knowledge to help executives clarify their unique purpose, align it to the value they deliver, their sales and marketing message. We position companies to deliver more value, attract more customers and in turn, I help executives scale their companies to create a bigger impact.

My heart is to continue help executives be dead clear about their purpose. This allows them to lead their team back to their original, natural, and royal design.

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